| St. Augustine FloratamThis is the most widely used sod in our region and is found in majority of residential lawns. Floratam does require regular maintenance and irrigation. It must have 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day to strive.
| St. Augustine Shade Tolerant (Palmetto, Seville, Classic)These varieties, although grown in full sun, will tolerate some shade but will still need 3-5 hours of sunlight per day. Its maintenance requirements are similar to Floratam.
| Empire ZoysiaThis is a newer zoysia grass, developed for the southeastern United States. It is a fine bladed, dense, and low growing turf grass. It is low maintenance, drought tough, and chinch bug resistant.
| Bahia (Argentine)A pasture grass that requires very little maintenance aside from mowing. It is often used in areas with no irrigation and is seen along road sides and around ponds. Although not known for its appearance, it is known for its durability.
| 419 BermudaCommonly used in golf courses and athletic fields, it has great wear tolerance and is quick to recover from damage. It is high maintenance and will require a reel mower.
| Celebration BermudaAlthough it shares some of the same characteristics to the 419, it is a residential friendly alternative. A standard rotary mower can be used and it is also the most shade tolerant bermuda grass.
| CentipedeLow growing and low maintenance, it is a full sun variety with good drought tolerance. It’s commonly used in residential homes.
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